第712章 静待花开之八
第712章 静待花开之八 (第1/2页)
Shape Your Future 塑造自己的未来
Sarah B Peck
There’s the marble, there’s the chisel,这里有大理石,这里有铁凿,
Take it, work it to your will;拿起凿子,按照自己的意愿来雕琢;
You alone must shape your future,上天给你力量和技巧,
Heaven send you strength and skill.自己的未来全靠自己来塑造。
思梅:今日读到一篇报道,摘录一句供你参考。“The World Health Organization stated that of the 56.5 million deaths per year around the world over 50 percent are caused by diseases associated with unhealthy diet and lack of execise.”(世界卫生组织声称,全球每年五千多万死亡人口中,一半以上的死亡是因不健康的饮食和缺少运动导致的肥胖病引起的。)